React Native Programming
I. Overview:
React Native is an open-source framework for building cross-platform applications (apps) using React and the platform’s native capabilities. In this course, you will move from the basics of React to a more advanced implementation using React Native. You’ll review a wide range of different React components and ways of styling them. And you’ll get to practice using different mobile methods of interactivity with React Native.
II. Duration:
60 hours
III. Intended Audience:
- Anyone who wants to use React to build native mobile apps
- Every mobile developer who wishes to learn only one language to write cross-platform mobile apps
IV. Prerequisites:
- Basic JavaScript and React knowledge.
- NO Android/ Java or iOS (Swift, Objective-C) development experience is required.
V. Objectives:
- Learn how to use React Native to build real native mobile apps for iOS and Android
- Develop cross-platform (iOS and Android) mobile apps without knowing Swift, Objective-C or Java/ Android
- Explore React Native basics and advanced features.
VI. Course outlines:
1. Module 1: JavaScript
- Core Syntax
- let and const
- Arrow Functions
- Objects: Properties and Methods
- Arrays and Array Methods
- Arrays, Objects, and Reference Types
- Spread Operator and Rest Parameters
- Destructuring
- Async Code and Promises
2. Module 2: React.js
- What is React?
- Understanding JSX
- Understanding Components
- Working with Multiple Components
- Working with Props
- Rendering Lists of Data
- Handling Events
- Parent-Child Communication
- Managing State
- More on State
- User Input and Two-Way Binding
3. Module 3: Getting Started with React Native
- What Is React Native?
- Creating React Native Projects: Expo CLI Versus React Native CLI
- Creating a New React Native Project
- Analyzing the Created Project
- Running Our First App on a Real Device!
- Setting Up a Local Development Environment
4. Module 4: React Native Basics
- Exploring Core Components and Component Styling
- Working with Core Components
- Styling React Native Apps
- Exploring Layouts and Flexbox
- React Native and Flexbox
- Using Flexbox to Create Layouts
- Improving the Layout
- Handling Events
- iOS and Android Styling Differences
- Making Content Scrollable with ScrollView
- Optimizing Lists with FlatList
- Splitting Components into Smaller Components
- Utilizing Props
- Handling Taps with the Pressable Component
- Adding an Android Ripple Effect and an iOS Alternative
- Adding and working with a Modal Screen
- Working with Images and Changing Colors
5. Module 5: Debugging React Native Apps
- Handling Errors
- Logging to the Console
- Debugging JavaScript Remotely
- Using the React DevTools
- Using the Documentation
6. Module 6: Advanced Components, Layouts, and Styling
- Starting Setup and Analyzing the Target App
- Setting Up Screen Components
- Creating Custom Buttons
- Styling for Android and iOS
- Configuring the TextInput Field
- Handling User Input and Showing an Alert Dialog
7. Module 7: Building Adaptive User Interfaces (Adapt to Platform and Device Sizes)
- Setting Dynamic Widths
- Introducing the Dimensions API
- Adjusting Image Sizes with the Dimensions API
- Understanding Screen Orientation Problems
- Setting Sizes Dynamically (for Different Orientations)
- Managing Screen Content with KeyboardAvoidingView
- Improving the Landscape Mode UI
- Further Improvements with useWindowDimensions
- Writing Platform-Specific Code with the Platform API
- Styling the Status Bar
8. Module 8: React Native Navigation with React Navigation
- What Is Navigation?
- Displaying Items in a Grid
- The React Navigation Package
- Implementing Navigation Between Two Screens
- Understanding the use of Navigation Hook
- Working with Route Parameters to Pass Data Between Screens
- Styling Screen Headers and Backgrounds
- Setting Navigation Options Dynamically
- Adding Header Buttons
- Adding an Icon Button to a Header
- Adding Drawer Navigation and Creating a Drawer
- Configuring the Drawer Navigator and the Drawer
- Adding, Configuring, and Using Bottom Tabs
9. Module 9: App-wide State Management with Redux & Context API
- Nesting NavigatorsGetting Started with React's Context API
- Managing App-Wide State with Context
- Using the Created Context with useContext
- Getting Started with Redux and Redux Toolkit
- Working with Redux Slices
- Managing Redux State and Dispatching Actions
- Using Redux State in Components
10. Module 10: Sending Http Requests
- Sending POST Http Requests
- Fetching Backend Data (GET Requests)
- Transforming and Using Fetched Data
- Using Response Data from POST Requests
- Updating and Deleting Backend Data (UPDATE and DELETE Requests)
- Managing the Loading State
- Handling Request Errors
11. Module 11: Using Native Device Features (Camera, Location, and More)
- Working with Camera package
- Working with ImagePicker package
- Working with Map
- Working with SQLite
12. Module 12: Push Notifications
- What is Notification?
- Handle Local Notification
- Setup Push Notification
- Handle Push Notification
13. Module 13: Publishing React Native Apps
- Configuring App Names and Versions
- A Quick Note About Environment Variables
- Adding Icons and a Splash Screen
- Building for iOS
- Building for Android
14. Module 14: Project
- Planning, developing, and presenting a final project.
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