Building Blockchain with MultiChain


3 days


-       Hands-on experience on MultiChain in AWS Cloud

-       Classroom training in your premises

-       Certification from RecordsKeeper (Official Partner of MultiChain)

-       Setup & configure your personal Blockchain within the classroom

-       Lifetime access to course material & video lectures to every participant

-       Affordable price

-       Discuss your own business use cases for Private Blockchain

-       Build your product on Blockchain & stay ahead of time


-       Attendees must be aware of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin & Ethereum

-       Attendees must have some hands-on experience in ANY programming language or scripts (like C, Java, PHP, Python, Rube, Shell etc.)

-       Attendees must know the basics commands of any Linux-based operating systems. Preferably Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Course outlines:

1.      Module 1: Introduction to Blockchain – A Practical Approach

  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Definitions
  • In real Life, what is Blockchain? Storage, Server, Cloud or Tech?
  • Private vs Public Blockchain
  • Sample Transaction: How transaction gets executed & distributed?
  • Consensus: How conflicts are being resolved?
  • When to Use a Blockchain?
  • Security: Why Blockchain is More Secure
  • Attacks: How Blockchain Can be Hacked
  • Private Blockchain: Can I setup my Own Blockchain
  • Summary

2.      Module 2:  MultiChain – Setting up Private Blockchain on AWS Cloud

  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Definitions
  • What is MultiChain?
  • Compatibility with Bitcoin Core
  • Differences from Bitcoin Core
  • How to create or connect to a Blockchain
  • Customizing your Blockchain parameters
  • API commands for controlling MultiChain
  • MultiChain Streams
  • MultiChain Explorer
  • MultiChain Web Demo
  • Project: Building Proof-of-Existence Tool using MultiChain
  • Summary
  • Học trực tuyến

  • Học tại Hồ Chí Minh

  • Học tại Hà Nội

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