Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Development (JB453)


Red Hat® JBoss® Data Grid Development (JB453) focuses on the configuration of caches and manipulation of cache entries. Students will learn how to access caches in library and remote modes (clustered and non-clustered). In addition, students will learn how to secure data grids, encrypt data grid communications, and search the data grid.

Course content summary

  • Understand data grids and Red Hat JBoss Data Grid
  • Install Red Hat JBoss Data Grid
  • Develop a cache-based application
  • Access a remote cache
  • Cluster caches
  • Persist the cache
  • Secure the cache
  • Search the data grid

 4 days


1.      Impact on the organization

This course is intended to develop the skills needed to create, deploy, and optimize data intensive applications. JBoss Data Grid allows applications using data intensive processes to store and manage data from multiple sources without overloading infrastructure resources, distributing them among multiple servers.

2.      Impact of this training

As a result of attending this course, students should be able to install, configure, and customize data-driven applications that need to store data in memory in a distributed environment.

Students should be able to demonstrate the following skills:

  • Install JBoss Data Grid either as an embedded server or distributed cache.
  • Configure JBoss Data Grid to use alternative cache mechanisms.
  • Develop cache based applications using JBoss Data Grid APIs.
  • Secure caches among multiple servers.
  • Java programming skills
  • Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio or Eclipse experience
  • Java developers
  • DevOps professionals who will administer Red Hat JBoss Data Grid.
Course Outline              

1.      Course introduction

  • Introduce and review the course.

2.      Red Hat JBoss Data Grid overview

  • Learn about the features and architecture of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid.

3.      Install Red Hat JBoss Data Grid

  • Install Red Hat JBoss Data Grid and configure the development environment.

4.      Develop a cache-based application

  • Code, compile, and test an application that uses the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid cache.

5.      Access a remote cache

  • Access a cache with remote cache managers using a variety of connector types.

6.      Configure eviction and expiration of cache entries

  • Evict and expire cache entries.

7.      Maintain cache integrity

  • Maintain cache integrity with transactions and locking.

8.      Clustering caches

  • Configure, manage, and optimize clustered caches.

9.      Persist the cache

  • Back up the memory cache with a persistent cache store.

10.  Secure the cache

  • Restrict access to cache managers and caches.

11.  Search the cache

  • Query the cache elements using the Infinispan query features.

12.  Course review

  • Continue practicing developing applications with caching using the material presented in this course.
  • Học trực tuyến

  • Học tại Hồ Chí Minh

  • Học tại Hà Nội

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