Planning and Designing Databases on AWS

I.       Overview:

In this certification & training course, you will learn about the process of planning and designing both relational and nonrelational AWS databases. It will teach you how to use workload requirements to define database design considerations and also explore the features and capabilities of the eight AWS database services. By the end of the course, you will be able to determine which AWS database service is right for your workloads, and design the database to meet your requirements.

II.     Duration:  03 days
III. Objectives:

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Apply database concepts, database management, and data modeling techniques
  • Evaluate hosting databases on Amazon EC2 instances
  • Evaluate relational AWS database services and their features (Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, and Amazon Redshift)
  • Evaluate nonrelational AWS database services and their features (Amazon DocumentDB, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon ElastiCache, Amazon Neptune, and Amazon QLDB)
  • Examine how the design criteria apply to each service
  • Apply management principles based on the unique features of each service
IV. Intended Audience:
  • Data engineers
  • Solutions architects
  • Developers
  • IT professionals
V.    Course outlines:

      Module 1 - Database concepts and general guidelines

-     Databases in the cloud

-     Database design principles

-     Transactional compliance

      Module 2 - Database planning and design

-     Workload requirements

-     Design considerations

      Module 3 - Databases on Amazon

-     EC2 Amazon EC2 for hosting databases

      Module 4 - Purpose-built databases on Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS

-     The journey to AWS

-     Data modeling basics

      Module 5 - Amazon RDS

-     Amazon RDS overview

-     Amazon RDS distinguishing features

-     Amazon RDS design considerations

-     Hands-on Lab: working with Amazon RDS databases

      Module 6 - Amazon Aurora

-     Amazon Aurora overview

-     Amazon Aurora distinguishing features

-     Amazon Aurora design considerations

-     Hands-on Lab: working with Amazon Aurora databases

      Module 7 - Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)

-     Amazon DocumentDB overview

-     Amazon DocumentDB design considerations

-     Amazon DocumentDB distinguishing features

-     Hands-on Lab: working with Amazon DocumentDB databases.

      Module 8 - Amazon DynamoDB

-     Amazon DynamoDB overview

-     Amazon DynamoDB data modeling

-     Amazon DynamoDB distinguishing features

-     Amazon DynamoDB design considerations

-     Hands-on Lab: working with Amazon DynamoDB

      Module 9 - Databases in Amazon Neptune

-     Amazon Neptune overview

-     Amazon Neptune design considerations

      Module 10 - Databases in Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (Amazon QLDB)

-     Amazon QLDB overview

-     Amazon QLDB Design Considerations

      Module 11 - Databases in Amazon ElastiCache

-     Amazon ElastiCache overview

-     Amazon ElastiCache for Memcached

-     Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

      Module 12 - Data warehousing in Amazon Redshift

-     Amazon Redshift overview

-     Amazon Redshift distinguishing features

-     Amazon Redshift data modeling

-     Amazon Redshift design considerations

-     Hands-on Lab: working with Amazon Redshift Cluster

      Module 13 - Course Overview


  • Học trực tuyến

  • Học tại Hồ Chí Minh

  • Học tại Hà Nội